
Electric Vehicles Charging Impacts of New Charging Method in Dormitory

發布日期 : 2024-03-17

【Reporter 吳秒萱/Report from National Chung Cheng University】

National Chung Cheng University has made a change by updating the electric vehicle charging system in its dormitory parking lot over the winter break. This decision has sparked curiosity among electric bike users at the university, who want to see how it will affect their daily routine and whether it would be a good thing. The new system is designed to make charging easier and more convenient for all electric vehicle users on campus.

充電樁不足 在其他區域充電者多

Electric bikes have become a common thing around the National Chung Cheng University area, especially for students. Many students use electric bikes to roam around the school to make it faster and easier to reach their destination. Over time, the number of electric bike users at school continues to grow, including students who live in the school dormitory. Because of the large number of electric motorcycle users in the school, the electric motorcycle charging stations in the dormitory area that are provided by the school are often not enough to accommodate all students who want to charge their electric motorcycles. Many students end up charging their electric bikes in places where they shouldn't be. They eventually get used to charging carelessly because they find it easier for them to be able to charge their electric motors without having to wait and end up not being able to charge at all. Therefore, the school decided to address this issue. 

新系統受關注 評價結果待檢驗

Over the winter break, Chung Cheng University has updated the electric vehicle charging system in the dorm parking lot. The school decided to close all the charging stations that students had been using illegally and install more paid electric motorcycle charging stations.  This news has caught the attention of electric bike users on campus, who are curious about how these changes will affect them. Some people think that the upgrade makes charging easier and more convenient. Others worry that it might cause problems or make things more complicated. According to Miss  Zhang, as an electric motor user living in the dormitory, she thinks the new charging system is much better than the previous one. Before, it was hard to find a spot to charge because everyone was using them. Now, with more charging stations available, it's easier to find a spot when it is needed and knowing there's a designated spot for charging makes it less stressful. 

The previous electric motor charging station was only available on the 1st floor of the school dormitory parking area. 【記者 吳秒萱/攝影】


The decision to upgrade the charging system in the dormitory parking lots stemmed from several key reasons. The head of the National Chung Cheng University Life Affairs Division of Student Dormitory Operations, Ming Zhi Liu stated that the university recognized the growing popularity of electric motorcycles among students, leading to increased demand for charging facilities. Moreover, the existing spots were often crowded or used incorrectly, which wasn't safe or convenient. So to plan the upgrade, they looked at how students were using the charging spots and where they were most needed. They also asked students what they wanted from the new system. Overall, they wanted to make sure the new system was safer and easier for students to use. 

The school provides new charging stations in the B2 floor of dormitory parking area with a more organized and spacious. 【記者 吳秒萱/攝影】

建立充電秩序 改善校園環境

Ming Zhi Liu also stated that the upgrade of the charging system aims to improve the convenience and satisfaction among the students.  In addition, the new system is expected to enhance safety and orderliness within the dormitory parking lots. This would contribute to a safer and more organized environment for all students using electric motorcycles on campus.

Now students can only charge their electric vehicles at paid charging stations and can no longer charge in illegal places because the school has provided suitable places for electric vehicle charging. 【記者 吳秒萱/攝影】
